Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (11/2/11)

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

So this is the third meme I'm trying out. Still trying to decide which one to stick with. Anyway, here's my pick:

Gone #5- Fear by Michael Grant
This is a blood-pumping, white-knuckle sci-fi thriller of epic proportions. Night is falling in the FAYZ. Even though it's been nearly a year since everyone over the age of fifteen disappeared, the sun has continued to shine on the kids of Perdido Beach. Now, though, the gaiaphage has blotted out the sun and plunged the FAYZ into perpetual gloom. Divided and dispirited, the survivors face their greatest enemy yet - the darkness of their own minds...

I'm so excited for this. Plague ended up with such a cliffhanger; I can't wait to read this book! I want this now so badly. You have no idea... Plus that cover! It's my favorite so far in the series! :)

Jen @ Midnight Book Thief


So what was your WOW? Leave a link and I'll drop by! :)


  1. I haven't read these books, although I have I think 3 of them on my shelf. I've heard some mixed things so I dunno. The covers are refreshing from what Ya covers usually look like.

  2. @Ashley- What are you waiting for? Go read them!!! :P Seriously, I love this series. They're a bit darker and more violent than most YA books, but still, they're awesome! One of my favorite dystopians ever! And yup, the covers are a nice change from the pretty girls in dresses XD

  3. Gone is just sitting there on my shelf! Really need to get to it!

    Feel free to check out my WOW
    Krazyyme @ Young Readers

  4. @Krazzyme- Yes, you really should! You won't regret it, I promise! :)

  5. I'm really curious about this series I have book 1 on my reader I should get to soon.

    Xpresso Reads

  6. I literally just finished book 2 about an hour ago! I love this series so much, good to hear that it's still going strong :) New follower!

    Here is my WoW :)

  7. I havent read this series! shame on me >_< but I will! of course I will! =D

    My My W.o.W

    My Giveaway!

    Happy reading! ^.^
    Dazzling Reads

  8. Stick with WoW! :) So glad to have you participating!

  9. @ Giselle- Yes, you really must! :)

    @Amy- I know right? :) It's sooo good! Glad to see another fan of Gone here! :P I can't wait for Light!

    @Natalia- lol, bump it up in your TBR pile maybe? ;)

    @Jill- WoW IS fun! I think sticking to this meme wouldn't hurt! :D

  10. I've never read this series, but I like the pulse-pounding, adrenaline-pumping reads, so maybe I'll give this series a go (provided I get the chance, despite my grotesquely enormous to-read pile!)...

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  11. @A. knight- Well, I can definitely say that this is adrenaline pumping! You sooo must read this! :) Its violent and I love it! :)


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